
Yoga is that which removes sorrow and suffering. Yoga removes the viyoga (seperation from the Self). 

-Guru Gorakh

What is Yoga, anyway? In Sanskrit, Yoga is derived from the word 'Yuj', meaning 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. This can be understood on different levels: the union is between the individual energy (Shakti) and the universal energy (Shakti), the individual consciousness (Shiva) and the universal consciousness (Shiva) and or depending on the yogic scripture there are differing variations. The commonality among ancient texts indicate similar definitions such as, total well-being, total balance and total freedom- Yoga is life. 

The ultimate purpose of Yoga is Liberation, Self-Realization and Oneness with the Universal Consciousness. 

- Insight from Yoga Therapy

Imagine Yoga as a tree- it has eight limbs to climb. And TOGETHER we will climb the tree.

Okay, great! So how do I do this balance freedom thing? I am so happy you asked!

1) Show up for yourself- make the commitment whether it's 5 minutes a day or 90 minutes a day.

2) Remind yourself that Yoga is not just physical and each aspect of yoga is equally important. 

3) Progress takes time- allow that to sink in!! Now, re-read that.

4) Show yourself compassion as you would another human 💜

5) Pranidhana, Surrender, surrender any pre-existing thoughts you have regarding yoga, surrender what you think you know, surrender   to any limitations, just surrender and allow the process to happen.

At a young age, I realized many things were out of my control. I can control what I do with my body; the food I choose to eat, the thoughts I allow myself to have, my reactions and how far I push myself mentally and physically. To me, I can create my world, to me, that's enough
